and trees are in Blossom
Oversley Wood Information board (click for bigger image)
I walked around the perimeter of the wood where the sun was falling on the hedgerows and was able to find a number of butterflies
Orange Tip - Anthocharis cardamines
Green Veined White - Artogeia napi
and a very obliging Comma - Polygonia c-album
Other Bugs
I also managed to get some pictures of some other interesting bugs, most of which I haven't identified.
Bug on a Bullrush Stem
Pond Skaters
Cuckoo Bee - Nomada Flava
Finally I came across this chap which I have discovered is a Cuckoo Bee which rather like a real Cuckoo lays its eggs in other Bees nests. There are several species and I think this one is Nomada Flava