30 April 2010

If you go down to the Woods....

I spent the morning at Oversley Woods near Alcester, Warwickshire which is awash with Bluebells at this time of year.

and  trees are in Blossom

Oversley Wood Information board (click for bigger image)


I walked around the perimeter of the wood where the sun was falling on the hedgerows and was able to find a number of butterflies

Orange Tip - Anthocharis cardamines

Green Veined White - Artogeia napi

and a very obliging Comma - Polygonia c-album

Other Bugs

I also managed to get some pictures of some other interesting bugs, most of which I haven't identified.

Bug on a Bullrush Stem

Pond Skaters



Cuckoo Bee - Nomada Flava

Finally I came across this chap which I have discovered is a Cuckoo Bee which rather like a real Cuckoo lays its eggs in other Bees nests. There are several species and I think this one is Nomada Flava

29 April 2010

Spring Is Here.....

The weather has finally changed and spring is here in all its glory. The insects have returned as have some of the birds and at last I am able to get out and about (with my camera ) and observe it all unfolding. This blog is going to be an occasional record of what is happening in the natural world or at least as far as I am able to witness it and  hopefully get a few pictures as well.

Purple Thorn Selenia Tetralunaria

This chap found his way into my porch overnight and obliged by showing himself off in the morning . I was able to grab a picture as I was dashing out to work. Took me ages to identify the species as most of the books and internet have pictures with the wings closed. Also discovered that there are over 2400 species of moth in the UK acording to the excellent site UK Moths and they have a huge number of pictures. I know because I trawlwed through most of them. I will be looking out for more moths (and Butterflies) to photograph over the coming months.