Showing posts with label Polygonia c-album. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polygonia c-album. Show all posts

24 July 2010


A few from the garden..

Comma - Polygonia c-album
The greenhouse is very popular with butterflies, moths and hoverflies they often spend the night. This one id just checking the weather outside before deciding whether to venture back out.

Moth - Pyrausta purpuralis
An attractive  day flying moth.

Large White - Pieris brassicae

There is an ongoing battle at the moment with these "Cabbage Whites". We have cabbages and cauliflowers growing under netting and these keep getting inside somehow. If you have ever grown
 any brassicas you will know how quickly the catterpillars can strip and destroy the plants and we have nevr really succeeded with cabbage or sprouts and the netting is an innovation for this year and seems to be working well so far but there is still afew weeks until they are ready to pick and the butterflie could yet win.
Froghopper - Philaenus spumarius
You don't normally see these unless they are covered in "Cuckoo spit" as these are the creatures who produce the Cuckoo spit for protection. They almost look prehistoric.

Hoverfly - Eupeodes luniger
On a Cosmos flower head

17 May 2010

Oversley Wood

Visited Oversley Wood on sunny spring afternoon. There was a bit of a breeze so there weren't so many insects on the wing but here is a selection.

Syrphus ribesii - Hoverfly

Scorpion Fly - Panorpa communis
Strange looking creatures almost comical with its large "beak" (click to see enlarged). Quite a few about.
This one is a male as it has a rounded abdomen. The females is pointed.

Leucozona lucorum - Hoverfly

Leaf Beetle - Gastrophysa viridula
Lots of these about. This is a "pregnant" female with its swollen abdomen full of eggs

Comma - Polygonia c-album

Green Tortoise Beetle(s) - Cassida viridis
Armour plated and camouflaged leaf  beetle. Only saw them in one area but there was at least a dozen of them, many of the mating

St Marks fly - Bibio marci
I think this is a female as the males apparently have a larger head with large compound eyes.